
Showing posts from 2019

2019 Coming to America

Mrs. Speaker has been working in collaboration with 4th grade teachers to teach our fourth graders about immigration through Ellis Island in the 1900s. They have spent months learning about the process and their own family history. Today students ended this experience by participating in a simulation. They packed the necessities and dressed the part for their journey to America. Click here to see a slideshow of photos from this morning.

Snow Day 12.02.19


PWS Annual Food Drive 2019

During this time of year we are increasingly aware of how fortunate we are to have good friends, loving families, a place to call home, and food to eat. Unfortunately, we know that so many in our community are not as fortunate, and we feel that there is something we can do to help. Since we know that food banks are always in need of food, Peter Woodbury is holding a food drive for the New Hampshire Food Bank, as well as the Bedford Community Food Pantry. This year, we will continue to partner with the Bedford Community Food Pantry in providing food for their School Lunch+ program.  This provides backpacks on Fridays with food for students over the weekend. This month, we are collecting single serving juice bottles (no glass please).  ( Bedford Community Food Pantry- School Lunch+ )  Students can start bringing in canned goods, dry goods, and any other non- perishable food items the Monday after Thanksgiving (December 2). Contributions are not required...

Thank You Mrs. Daley!

As we wrap up the month of October the staff at PWS would like to thank Mrs. Daley for her leadership at Peter Woodbury School and for her support of staff and students. We celebrated National Principals Month by honoring Mrs. Daley last Wednesday. Students dressed like Mrs. Daley, wrote letters/cards to her, and presented her with a basket of goodies put together by some staff members. We are blessed to have her in our school community. Mrs. Daley, thank you for always doing what is best for our students.

2019 PTG Ski, Skate, & More Sale!

BEDFORD PTG SKI, SKATE, & MORE SALE! -  The Bedford PTG is proud to announce our annual  SKI, SKATE and MORE SALE . This yearā€™s event will take place on Saturday, November 23, 2019 from 9AM - 2PM at Bedford High School. New and used ski equipment, snowboards, winter boots, outerwear and more will be on sale from local area merchants and consignor families. This sale provides a cost-effective opportunity to outfit you and your family for the upcoming winter season!  Turn your outgrown or gently used winter gear and apparel into some cash while also supporting Bedford schools. Visit  PTG Website  for consignment information. You can drop off your  pre-tagged  items at the BHS Gymnasium on Friday, November 22 between 5PM ā€“ 8PM.  Please note: If you need to print your tags on site at BHS during drop off, there will be a $1.00 charge per tag.  VOLUNTEER:  Many volunteers are needed to make this event a success. Click   HERE...

2019 Veterans Day Assembly

Peter Woodbury School presents a Veterans Day Assembly All Bedford School District Veterans and their families are welcome to join us on  Friday, November 8th, 2019 @ 1:30pm in the PWS Multipurpose Room Parking will be limited, with no parking on the playground hardtop. Please call ahead if you require assistance. If you are a Veteran and plan to attend, please RSVP by calling 603-622-0431.

2019 PWS Halloween Parade

We are looking forward to our annual Halloween Parade coming up on Thursday, October 31. Our morning kindergarteners will have a parade through the school hallways at 10:15. If your morning kindergartener attends afternoon K-Plus, they will also participate in the afternoon parade.  Our afternoon parade will begin at 1:30. Parents who come to watch the parade (all are welcome) should watch from outside. Cones will be set up so you know where to stand. The student parade will exit the school at the Kindergarten wing doors, proceed down the driveway by the gardens, continue onto the blacktop area, and finally re-enter the school through the front doors. We are looking forward to this event and all the fun and creative costumes we will see. 

National Principals Month

Did you know October is National Principals Month? This Wednesday, October 23rd, we will be honoring and thanking Mrs. Daley for her leadership at Peter Woodbury School. We encourage students to dress like Mrs. Daley (or a principal) on Wednesday, if they wish. 

2019 PWS Wall of Heroes


2019-2020 4th Grade Chorus

Peter Woodbury Chorus                                                                                                           2019-2020 Dear 4th grade students and parents/guardians,                              It will soon be time to start our 4th grade chorus here at Peter Woodbury School! This is a great opportunity for studen...

2019 Picture Day

Picture Day is on Tuesday, September 24th at PWS. Students will be coming home with a paper order form at the end of the week. You can also order them online at with shoot key USG95XAM.

Open House 2019

This year's Open House is being held on Thursday, September 19th. Parents of students in grades K-2 may visit their child's classroom any time between 5:30pm-6:30pm that evening. Parents of students in grades 3-4 may visit their child's classroom any time between 6:30pm-7:30pm that evening. Students and siblings are welcome to join their parents. Parking is always at a premium when we have school wide events, which is why we designate times for specific grade levels. If you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out to your child's classroom teacher. 

First Day of School 2019

All the staff at Peter Woodbury School is looking forward to the students' arrival for the first day of school tomorrow, August 27th! Students will be greeted as they get off the bus or arrive at parent drop off in the back of the building. During the first week of school every teacher will be on the playground in the morning to greet his/her class. We will also have other staff members greeting students and helping them find their lines. If you don't already, follow Peter Woodbury on Facebook , Instagram and Twitter for updates and photos. Be sure to use #peterwoodbury when sharing about us! This year we will be changing Parent Pick up slightly. First off we are asking that parents enter through the parent pick up doors into the multi purpose room and continue walking until you are near the hallway doors, this is where we will dismiss children to you  HERE  is a map of what we are thinking. We also will be checking IDs more regularly this year. To begin the year, we w...

2019 InfoSnap/Student Registration

Did you know that every school year you need to update your child's registration information? This includes pertinent medical info, parent & emergency contact information, reading school policies and providing permissions for student photos, computer use, etc.  On August 7th an email was sent out to all parents from Bedford SD Registration. This email has a link unique to your child that will allow you to update and/or confirm all of your information. If you have more than one child, you will receive more than one email with a link for each. 

Meet & Greet 2019

Meet and greet at all the elementary schools is scheduled for Monday, August 26th 1:30-3:00pm.  Meet and greet gives students and parents the chance to meet the teacher, see their classroom and drop supplies off before the first day of school. Parents/students can visit anytime between 1:30 and 3:00. This year Mrs. Daley and Mr. Mitchell are holding an information session in the multi-purpose room from 2:15-2:30 for anyone who'd like to attend.  The first day of school for students is Tuesday, August 27th. Students enter the building from the playground at 7:55am and school begins at 8am.  During the first week of school every teacher will be on the playground in the morning to greet his/her class. We will also have other staff members greeting students to help them find their lines. Please visit the  Peter Woodbury Website  to review  drop off and pick up procedures . 

Garden Club Thank You


2019 Fourth Grade Clap Out

Congratulations to all of our kindergarteners who "graduated" kindergarten this year! We look forward to seeing you as first graders in the fall. Our 4th graders will be moving on to McKelvie. The tradition will continue with an all school clapout on Monday (June 10th) beginning at 9am. Parents of fourth graders are welcome to join us in clapping out your children. There will be space for you in the schoolyard on the blacktop. You may line up around the cones, leaving the path open for our fourth graders to walk out the gym doors and then onto the buses to visit McKelvie.

Health Office End of Year Notice 2019

Peter Woodbury School HEALTH OFFICE NOTICE  May 30, 2019 Dear Parents, Please remember to pick up all medications from the Health Office before the end of the school year. This includes inhalers, epi-pens, prescription medication and all over-the-counter medications (meds for 3 rd and 4 th graders should be picked up after their field trips). Medications CANNOT be stored at school over the summer and CANNOT be sent home with children; any medications that are not picked up will be discarded. As a reminder, updated physicianā€™s orders, parent permission forms for medication and Allergy Packets are required at the beginning of each school year. Feel free to pick them up now for next year (they can also be downloaded from the school website). Also, if your child will be moving on to McKelvie, a current physical and up-to-date immunization record are required upon entry. I will be in the Health Office through dismissal on Mond...

2019 Field Day


Thank you from American Heart Association


2019 PTG Color Blast Fun Run/Walk

BEDFORD PTG COLOR BLAST FUN RUN/WALK EVENT - SUNDAY, JUNE 2ND, 9:30AM AT BEDFORD HIGH SCHOOL The Bedford PTG is proud to announce the return of the Color Blast Fun Run/Walk Event with Derry Medical Center returning as our presenting sponsor!  REGISTER TODAY   for a super-fun, family event!  Check out our website at  for event details and all things Color Blast!     *** All funds raised from this event will go back into our schools! *** Running not your thing? Many volunteers are needed to make this event successful. Volunteer for the entire event or just a few hours . Click  HERE  to see the volunteer opportunities.  

TriPod Opt In/Out Form 2019

Please take a moment to fill out this form letting us know whether your child can participate in the Tripod Survey or not. We are asking for parents to fill this out for each child attending PWS by Friday, April 19th. Thank you!

2019 PWS Art Show



Please take a moment to watch what the Channel 180 News Show has revealed about our school yard!

10th Anniversary of the PWS Community School Yard

This is an exciting spring as we prepare for the 10th anniversary of the PWS Community School Yard. A decade ago, it was a barren bark mulch oasis.  Through community support, donations, grants, and PWS family participation, we developed a one of a kind Community School Yard without district funding. GARDEN CLUB is beginning May 3 for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders. Please CLICK HERE for the first come-first served registration form. We have a new plan for the Daly Garden, named in memory of a former teacher, Cindy Daly. We will be building new beds, a small orchard, creating a class gathering space and having portable planters.  The active play area will be getting some additional pieces of new equipment. Our fourth grade students will be creating a labyrinth as their legacy. It is up to our school community to preserve this wonderful treasure. If you would like to help with our SPRING SPRUCE UP of our school yard, please mark May 5 on your calendar and SIGN UP ...

2019 Grandparents Day Registration

Grandparents/Senior Day at PWS Friday, May 3, 2019 8:30am Arrival & Check In 8:45am Full Breakfast; meet our Principal & Assistant Principal 9:15am Classroom Visits & Tours 10:15am Performance by PWS Chorus RSVP by Tuesday, April 30, 2019 using the link below. Grandparent's Day Registration Invite grandparents, special aunts or uncles, cherished neighbors or honored family friends

Telephone Troubles 03.27.19

Peter Woodbury is still experiencing issues with telephones. This means our usual number is not working right now. If you need to call Peter Woodbury today then you will want to use 603-471-6270 to reach us. We are working to get this problem resolved and will notify you as soon as it's fixed. Thanks for your understanding.

BHS Hockey Player and 3rd Grade Class Connect

Mrs. Marshall's 3rd grade class at Peter Woodbury Elementary School and Quinn Hutchins, senior from Bedford High School have forged a special relationship as a result of Read Across America week. Mr. Parker, BHS Athletic Director, brought some of the boys and girls hockey players over to PWS on March 6 so they could read to every class in grades K-3. Each hockey player went into a classroom to read a book and spend time with the students. Quinn made such an impression on the third graders that they wrote him notes thanking him for coming in and drawing him pictures to wish him luck at his championship game. To say Quinn was touched by what he got from them is an understatement. He took time to create a small surprise unique to each student in Mrs. Marshall's class. Quinn hand wrote a note to every student, being sure to reference something from their letter. For example, "I really liked your hockey stick drawing", "the BHS hockey socks and paws all over the card...

2019 Kids Heart Challenge

Students have started the Kids Heart Challenge program during their PE class. This was formerly known as Jump Rope for Heart. During this challenge students learn: the important of developing heart-healthy habits being physically active can be fun and when you raise funds to support research and education you help save lives across the country and in the community. Fundraising is optional but everyone will be having fun and be active jumping rope during their regularly-scheduled PE class.  In order to fundraise for this cause you will head to and set up a fundraising page for your child. The first step in setting up your child's page is to enter the name of the school. Please enter our school name as Peter Woodbury Elementary School. Any other search will not yield our school as an option.  Students are already jumping and having fun being heart healthy in PE class. Any fundraising needs to be completed by Mar...

Q&A with Dr. Dawn Huebner

Evening Q&A with Dr. Dawn Huebner: Join us for a 90-minute Q&A on Wednesday, March 13th at 6:30pm at McKelvie Intermediate School with Dr. Dawn Huebner, nationally recognized Psychologist, Parent Coach and author of award-winning mental health books for kids. Dr. Huebner is best known for her What to Do Guides - including  What to Do When You Worry Too Much  and  Outsmarting Worry  - which have sold over 1 million copies. Rather than giving a one-size-fits-all talk, Dr. Huebner will be answering audience questions about how to recognize anxiety in kids, how to respond to it, and how to build skills to better manage it. Questions can be submitted in advance, written on a note card that evening (to maintain anonymity) or asked live. This is not a group therapy session but instead an informative Q&A that will leave you with a clearer understanding of anxiety, what parents do that inadvertently feeds it, and how to help your child get on the path to defeat...

Food Assistance

From Emily Murphy, Director of School Nutrition If you are a family who faces food insecurity we want to be sure to make you aware of the resources available to you to help provide your children with more consistent, nutritious meals. All names and information are kept confidential. School Lunch Plus+ : This program is in partnership with the Bedford Community Food Pantry and provides a student with 2 nutritious breakfasts and lunches to be eaten over the weekend. The meals are discreetly and confidentially delivered to students on Fridays. To participate please contact the nurse of guidance counselor at your child's school. The Bedford Community Food Pantry  is a partnership with the Bedford Lions Club, several local churches and other civic organizations. Food is available to all Bedford residents in need. There are not pre-qualifications or income requirements. Food Pantry: 4 Church Rd. in Bedford (behind Bedford Presbyterian Church) 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the mo...

Volunteers Needed for 2019 Family Fun Night

Family Fun Night is an annual tradition at Peter Woodbury School. Not only does it give us all something to look forward to on a dreary February night, it's so much fun to participate in activities with students and their families. There is so much planning that goes into this night from the pizza, to the activities, to the baskets. And this event would not be successful without all of the parents and teachers who volunteer to set up, clean up, serve food, and sell tickets. Please take a moment to see which slot(s) on Sign Up Genius you can help us fill on February 7th.

2019 Family Fun Night

Ticket Orders PWS Family Fun Night 2019 Peter Woodbury School invites you to our annual Family Fun Night on Thursday, February 7th (with a snow day of Thursday, February 21st).  Our theme this year will be Growing Insideā€¦ Out - in honor of the 10th Anniversary of the Daly Garden. Games and activities, for all ages, will be offered throughout the school for students and families to engage in and have fun. As always, each classroom will donate a unique theme basket to raffle off that night. Our popular teacher raffle will be there too! Advanced sale of these raffle tickets are discounted and sold as three blocks for $10.00.  The night of the event we will sell the tickets for $5.00 a block. The Book Walk will be held in the Multipurpose Room ($1 per ticket). The Book Walk is set up on the idea of musical chairs. Kids will walk around in a circle and try to be on a circle when the music stops. We are also selling 50/50 tickets.  Fifty percent of the money raised ...