This is an exciting spring as we prepare for the 10th anniversary of the PWS Community School Yard. A decade ago, it was a barren bark mulch oasis. Through community support, donations, grants, and PWS family participation, we developed a one of a kind Community School Yard without district funding. GARDEN CLUB is beginning May 3 for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders. Please CLICK HERE for the first come-first served registration form. We have a new plan for the Daly Garden, named in memory of a former teacher, Cindy Daly. We will be building new beds, a small orchard, creating a class gathering space and having portable planters. The active play area will be getting some additional pieces of new equipment. Our fourth grade students will be creating a labyrinth as their legacy. It is up to our school community to preserve this wonderful treasure. If you would like to help with our SPRING SPRUCE UP of our school yard, please mark May 5 on your calendar and SIGN UP ...