Special All School Project!
This project is inspired by the story Only One You written by Linda Kranz. Mrs. Beltramo will read the story to every class during library the week of September 18th. This story is about a little fish named Adri who is getting ready to head out in the ocean alone. His parents, in an effort to help guide him, share all the important lessons that they have learned in life such as:
“You don’t have to follow the crowd”
“Find your own way”
Always be on the lookout for a new friend”
Mrs. Beltramo, Mrs. Speaker and Mrs. Hart are asking that each student bring in a special rock that can fit in their fist. These rocks will be painted at school to represent that we are unique and original. Rocks that are smooth and flat (such as river rocks) will work best. Grades 2, 3, and 4 will be painting their rocks in the library after hearing the story. Kindergarten and first grade will be painting their rocks during another time block. All students should bring in their rocks beginning Monday, September 18th. Once all the rocks are painted, they will be formed into a colorful stone ‘“river” in the playground.
The important message for our students is that everyone one of us is unique and each of us have something to contribute!