2017-2018 4th Grade Chorus

Print a new permission slip

Peter Woodbury Chorus
                                                                                                          September 11, 2017

Dear 4th grade students and parents/guardians,  
        It will soon be time to start our 4th grade chorus here at Peter Woodbury School! This is a great opportunity for students to learn how to use their singing voices as part of a musical group and sing a variety of songs and styles. We will have several performances throughout the school year both during the school day and in the evening. Our first concert is scheduled for January 10, 2018 at 7:00 pm.

        Chorus will be held on every Tuesday from 2:20 pm until 3:00 pm. Students will be called down from their classrooms at the end of the day and bring all of their belongings to the music room. Dismissal to parents/guardians will be at 3:00 pm. Please wait for your child in the lobby. If your child will be picked up at a later time you will need to make other arrangements.
Information about the after school program is available by calling the New Morning School at 669-3591. I am not able to stay after chorus due to my own childcare limitations.

        In order for any chorus to perform well, all members must attend as many rehearsals as possible. After 3 unexcused absences per term (Fall/Spring) your child may be asked to no longer participate in chorus.  It is also important that all children come ready to learn and have fun with appropriate behavior at every rehearsal.

     If you are interested in participating in chorus please complete and return the attached chorus contract by Wednesday, September 20th. Chorus will begin on Tuesday, September 26th.

        I am very excited to work with your child to help them develop their musical talents. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. More information and chorus updates can be found on my website. You can find it on the Peter Woodbury webpage then click the tab Academics > PWS Staff > Specialists.   

Katie Curran
                                            622-0431 ext. 24258

My child and I have discussed their interest in chorus and would like to participate. We understand that chorus will meet every Tuesday afternoon from 2:20 to 3:00 and that it is very important to participate with appropriate behavior and to attend as many rehearsals as possible. We also understand that habitual absences, late pick-ups or behavior issues could result in not performing with the chorus.

___________________________   ____________________________
Student Name                                        Homeroom Teacher

___________________________   ____________________________
             Signature of Parent/Guardian                Date

              Parent Email for important notices and reminders, please print clearly
**This will be my main form of communication for chorus all year**             


Chorus Dismissal Plan

The safety of your child is very important to all of the teachers and staff members at Peter Woodbury School. In order to make sure all students are dismissed in a timely and safe manner please take a moment to fill out this dismissal plan.
Please remember that chorus ends at 3:00 pm!
Thank you!

Please check one:
_____ I will pick up my child from chorus every Tuesday at 3:00.
     If there is a change on a specific day I will send in a written note.

_____ My child is enrolled in the after school program. Please send my child every Tuesday at
3:00. If there is a change on a specific day I will send in a written note.

_____ My child will be picked up from chorus every Tuesday at 3:00 by someone other than a  
parent/guardian. If there is a change on a specific day I will send in a written note.
        Name of person besides parent picking up:___________________________________